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Sonic Adventure DX (Preview) Discussion

Discussion in 'Prototype Discussion' started by Sazpaimon, Feb 24, 2008.

  1. evilhamwizard


    Wow, I guess I should eat my own hat now with the Mission mode being in there. ;)

    Also, <3 the christmas tree from the original event downloads being loadable. Does it still play that nights song w/ working text?
  2. Miles Prower

    Miles Prower

    Renard Oldbie

    You might be able to find a used (un-modded) GC for less than 30$ these days, and it's still a pretty nice console to have by. The modchip will definitely avoid the hassle of having to load multiple discs before at least getting in the game, and wouldn't be too expensive either (and it's kinda easy to solder). There's also the possibility of leaving the console case open (just remove the top and mess a bit with the lid switch) in order to get regular DVD support.

    The GC is way more picky than the Wii when it comes to reading burned media, which leaves you two options: find a brand of DVD that works with the console (usually Verbatim are *not* a good idea), or modify slightly the potentiometer (might damage the console a bit).
  3. BlazeHedgehog


    A "Community Enigma"? Oldbie
    Regarding the Super Sonic option in debug: When you select it, I'd assume it starts you with 0 rings, right?

    Maybe it is Super Sonic, but because you have 0 rings, you just start as normal Sonic. There are parts in the Perfect Chaos battle arena where, if you reach zero rings, you can walk around as normal Sonic a little bit and not die. Standing on bits of ruined highway above the water, and stuff.

    If there was a way to spawn with a set number of rings...
  4. Nemesis


    Tech Member
    Well, after some research, it seems the "Viper GC Extreme" chip is probably the way to go. From the looks of it, it'll be cheaper to buy the chip than an Action Replay anyway, and that's before getting the other hardware like the SD card reader, so chipping the system will probably be cheaper and more powerful in the end. I'm hoping to find a GC for cheap in one of the local pawn shops.
  5. Sazpaimon


    Tech Member
    So let me do a quick runthrough on how the easy menu works
    The first option selects your character.
    The second selects your stage, left and right to change stage numbers, L and R triggers to change act numbers. There's no limit to which act you can choose.
    Mode changes the different mode types (duh), like Adventure, Trial, Action, and Mission. I haven't run through them all yet
    Event will play a different cutscene
    Movie will play the different SFD movies in the game
    Title will allow you to play during the advertise demos on the title screen timeout. Probably used to record demos.
    The rest should be obvious.
  6. Sazpaimon


    Tech Member
    There might be more debugging menus, within the file Mission.rel I found:

    SAVE MENU. -----------------.. START WINDOWTOOL DEBUGASSISTANT.EXE... SAVE NORMAL.. INPUT : NSET. SAVE MISSION. INPUT : MSET. BUTTON B : RETURN.... Item List.>...............................................== MISSION DATA== ..ID :...DISP:...FLAG:...PAGE....>>..TYPE :..RING :..TRG ;..----------..NULL....NO DATA ----....== SET DATA == . [ITEM] ... [POSITION].... [SCALE]... [ANGLE]... [ITEM] ..------------....-----.------....-----... Normal List....------------------..--------.... Mission List...
  7. The XenoGC chip works well too. It's just a simple 5 (I think) solder point installation directly onto the bottom of the dvd drive and is pretty cheap.
  8. Miles Prower

    Miles Prower

    Renard Oldbie
    That's exactly the one I have in my Cube. It's quite simple (and tiny ! I went into some troubles soldering it, the Wii was easier to work with), unexpensive, and does the trick well. I think it's not region-free, which is not a big problem in itself, as you can always use GCOS.

    Be warned that
    - The console is difficult to crack open (Nintendo screws) but the old pen trick works.
    - The modchip might be hard to solder, considering how tiny it is. This is especially the case with "wireless" installs - you're better off with using wires even for those ones. Or be confident enough.

    I ended using pins to maintain the chip a bit above the drive - solder points tended to "glue" together.
  9. Nemesis, a GC should definitely be cheap. They go used at EBgames/Gamestop for 29.99. Also, try out Craigslist.
  10. biggestsonicfan


    Model2wannaB Tech Member
    ALWAYS Sonic the Fighters
  11. Sappharad


    You can do it for much cheaper.
    Costs the same as the AR, and includes an SD card adapter and boot disc. (Knowing Datel, the adapter is probably poorly made.)
    Buying a new Action Replay will NOT work, any made in the past 2 years do not let you enter your own codes which is needed for SDload. You'd need an old AR for that.
    No mod chip required, you can run from SDcard with SDBoot, or launch a burned disc with GCOS.
  12. Sazpaimon


    Tech Member

    More on this in a bit.
  13. Sazpaimon


    Tech Member
    Hey guys, remember this preview shot that's been on cult for awhile?

    Well uh...
  14. RyogaMasaki


    0xffffffff Oldbie
    Haha, I was actually thinking about that exact knuckles shot earlier tonight and meant to ask about it. Keep it up saz, babe~~~
  15. Sazpaimon


    Tech Member
    Alright guys, I just found ANOTHER debug menu. Will post info on it in a bit
  16. Troublegum


    Previously Smindas Oldbie
    Keep going Saz, you seem to be finding surprisingly interesting stuff in this topic. I never would have expected so much to be dragged out of SADX.
  17. Sazpaimon


    Tech Member
    Alright, time to break down the next mode of debug, which I call "Port 4" mode, because all the controls are made by controller port 4. You still need a controller in port 1, but port 4 does all the work. Here's how it goes.

    X Button - Invulnerability. The text "CAHR UNRIVAL" appears at the top of the screen. I don't know what that text means, but I know the mode makes you invulnerable. Enemies can't harm you and you can't harm them unless you attack them.
    B Button - Camera Debug Mode - The text "DEBUG CAMERA MODE" appears at the top of the screen. In this mode, you have full control of the camera, here's how it goes:
    • C stick - Change the direction the camera is pointing (Target direction)
    • Left Thumbstick - Move the camera.
    • R trigger + Left thumbstick - Rotation. Moving the left thumbstick left and right will rotate the camera. Moving it up and down will move the camera straight up or straight down. respectively
    • L trigger + Any movement - Speeds up whatever movement you're doing to the camera.
    A Button - Free movement mode - The text "FREE CHAR MODE" appears on the screen. Exactly the same as Camera Debug Mode, except your character gets to follow along with you. Controls are the same, watch out though, you can still get killed if you travel too far low. Also, since your character follows along, you can travel through doors into other areas like normal, and remain in free movement mode.
    Z Button - collision debug mode. Remember the old debug code from SA1 on the Dreamcast? Well, it makes its return here, with all the same glitz and glamor as before, only now you get to play with it more by combining it with other modes.

    You want videos? You got videos.
    In the video you'll notice sonic seemingly comes out of nowhere when I'm in camera debug mode. Actually, what I did was switch to free char mode and it magically brings sonic to the camera point.

  18. drx


    mfw Researcher
    This stuff is fascinating and makes me wish I had a GC or a NR-Reader. This is like the Zelda OOT (N64) Debug ROM, except much much better.
  19. evilhamwizard


    Nah, debug rom is still my favorite game with debugging tools enabled. It has some rooms that were added without any reason, and actually has a debug use on every controller (1~4). And just like this, many of the debug features were removed. Hell it even has more debug tools that have to be enabled with hacking (framerate (called flamerate), sound test, etc).

    Plus, the debug rom has tons of source code references inside. Hopefully with a game like this there's bound to be some source code references too. :)

    But on subject, are you sure there isn't anything you could enable on the other controller ports? The debug rom did come into my mind and I tried connecting a controller to port 2 and I wasn't able to enable anything. I was actually going to put the controller in on the rest, but when I saw there wasn't anything that you could do on port 2 I gave up.
  20. Neoblast


    I've found similarities between the mission mode debug and the ddreamcast special event files, even there's an option here to store the missions/events you create, I tried that supersonic thing but the Y button menu wouldnt let me add rings while in the EASY MENU