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Mobius Engine Project General Discussion

Discussion in 'Mobius Engine Project' started by Gen, Feb 16, 2012.

  1. Twilightzoney


    Tech Member
    Elgin, IL And Hampshire
    Unleashed and Generations Stuff and Custom Works
    Well you can always have Baked GI lightmaps rendered from 3ds Max? I would like to see this come to fruition, and have a ingame scene editor to place objects easier and export out an xml for it.
  2. Gen


    This is halloween! This is halloween! Member
    The Mobius Engine
    Having material access to a second UV set would be doable. Would just need to devise a means to encode a dynamic range exceeding 0 to 1 for light maps in max. This is why most engines have their own light map baking built-in.

    EDIT: Keep the name ideas coming. I'll add the poll on Friday.
  3. StreakThunderstorm


    Mecha Madness
    Realtime GI is better.
  4. Gen


    This is halloween! This is halloween! Member
    The Mobius Engine
    Sure, if you like half assed solutions, or solutions that run at 5 to 10 FPS in a real world scenario.
  5. Candescence


    Sydney, Australia
    3D Indie Stuff
    Dunno how suitable it is, but Gile mght be a suitable alternative for GI lightmapping.

    Also, I believe someone at DICE had explained the methods they used to achieve real-time GI in Battlefield 3, though to my knowledge the console versions of that game don't use real-time GI lighting.

    Edit: Ah, here it is. Wolfire's David Rosen gave a summary on it.
  6. Gen


    This is halloween! This is halloween! Member
    The Mobius Engine

    BF3 uses a middleware called Enlighten. Basically, Enlighten precomputes the vast majority of possible GI solutions that can then be reused to speed up computation of new GI solutions later on (such as if a hole in a wall is created, or if a large object occludes a light source all of a sudden). The process takes hours (in a colleague of mine's analysis, up to 18 hours on one scene), and for character lights they sample lighting from light probe data.

    It's not really true real time global illumnation. It's more like glorified light mapping that only really works well when it's updated in small batches on objects that are close to the camera.
  7. Billy


    RIP Oderus Urungus Member
    Colorado, USA
    Indie games
    I haven't searched the thread to see if any of these were suggested before, but my ides were:
    Needlemouse Engine
    Ericius Engine -- Which is Hedgehog in Laitn according to Google translate; I liked the double E's going on there.
  8. Mr Lange

    Mr Lange

    A wise guy eh. I know how to DEAL with wise guys. Member
    The Land of Waldos
    Sonic Utopia, Sonic Overture
    I'd be happy with stencil shadows and goraud shading. Does GI really have to be at the forefront of development? Or are you just tossing around ideas while the project is in a nebulous state of ideas?
  9. Gen


    This is halloween! This is halloween! Member
    The Mobius Engine
    Frankly, I'm more for just deferred direct illumination with shadow maps (they're typically going to be the easiest to implement in a modern pipeline now days) with some kind of light mapping process later on. The deferred part I can already do, same goes for shadow mapping. The worst part of rendering in general will be deciding how the drawpools should be designed, and how the API abstraction should work.

    For the most part, light discussion of general ideas would be a good thing at this point in time, since to properly establish the overall scope of the project we need an idea of what people want out of it. It'd be more beneficial if there were a sub-forum though since trying to consolidate every single little idea in a single thread would get chaotic pretty fast.
  10. James K

    James K

    Wow, I didn't know that true high-quality fast/realtime GI is still not possible on current hardware, even with Enlighten.


    In regards to prebaked, non-realtime lighting:

    I have not seen any open source lightmappers that do GI at all. An open-source, pre-baked solution would really be cool if you wanted to ever code something like that, Gen.

    Direct lighting for realtime is completely fine for the scope of a project like this, extra GI effects could be baked in with a closed source tool like 3DS max.

    I know it's an unrealistic request - A free and open-source solution with advanced lighting technology (similar to Hedgehog Engine). *dreams*
  11. Gen


    This is halloween! This is halloween! Member
    The Mobius Engine
    Baked GI isn't *too* hard to do. A lot of it is just the amount of resources required to do it with high quality.

    Could have a relatively efficient final gathering solution (meaning it'd take fewer resources to bake indirect lighting), but I'm not sure how well that'd work for incorporating something like Directional Light Mapping.

    There's also the possibility of leveraging OpenCL to help speed it up, but really this would be something for a much later release down the road (think a 1.x release).

    EDIT: It just hit me that an instant radiosity-like solution could be incorporated here. Instant Radiosity tends to have spotty results in a completely dynamic environment, but can look quite nice when used for static lighting.
  12. James K

    James K

    It's interesting you mention that, I've been looking at that technique recently and I really wish I understood the math more, because the concept itself seems simple.

    Even though his cornell box didn't converge to the rendering equation, he got good results in the sponza scene. But most levels for this engine would be outdoorsy and colorful so a biased GI solution would probably be favorable anyway.


    I'm working on my own humble test of instant radiosity - Unfortunately I'm really bad at reading mathematical notation, do you know what the algorithm is to determine the radius and color of a virtual point light at a given intersection, in layman's terms? :v: (I.e. lightsource contribution in relation to surface albedo, etc.)

    What I have right now for a GI attempt is literally guess work:


    So yeah, brainstorming tech ideas! :specialed:
  13. Gen


    This is halloween! This is halloween! Member
    The Mobius Engine
    The results tend to be pretty nice, and adding shadows is easy enough. Could even be hardware accelerated (though I wouldn't dare use these in a real-time environment, the number of VPLs required to make it look nice on all kinds of objects can be a bit strenuous, and throwing shadows into the mix would border on insanity).

    EDIT: Also, some one make this guy a full member.
  14. Candescence


    Sydney, Australia
    3D Indie Stuff
    Hear, hear. I don't think I'd be able to pull that shit off with my level of programming skill.
  15. Gen


    This is halloween! This is halloween! Member
    The Mobius Engine
    I've added the name poll, and I'll be starting work on the renderer fairly soon. The code will be stored in a mercurial repository on BitBucket here:

    Right now, I'm thinking the renderer can be split up into a few systems:
    • Draw Pools
    • -- Opaque Drawpool
    • ---- Renders all opaque objects to a geometry buffer
    • ---- Special considerations for static geometry for light mapping (later on down the road)
    • -- Alpha Drawpool
    • ---- Handles pretty much any kind of alpha-sorted (back to front) geometry
    • ---- Would handle lighting using "forward" rendering; could be a viable fallback basis for hardware that can't support deferred
    • ---- Same special considerations for static geometry for light mapping as Opaque
    • -- Effects Drawpool
    • ---- Handles things that may not need to be rendered in the correct order
    • ---- Good for particles, and other effects
    • ---- Computationally cheaper than proper alpha blending
    • Material Manager
    • -- Uniform management
    • -- Shader management
    • ---- Manages what shaders need to be loaded at runtime
    • ---- Interprets the material format to assemble shaders that are capable of executing faster at runtime (to mitigate runtime compilation overhead)
    • ---- Assigns shader Uniforms as needed to linked shaders
    • Post Manager
    • -- MRT management
    • ---- Would (eventually) assist with geometry buffer size
    • ---- Could be used to manage more complex post processes that require multiple sources of data
    • -- Effect management
    • ---- More or less something to simplify managing what kind of effects should be enabled or disabled and when
    • Capabilities Manager
    • -- Checks which extensions are available on a system
    • -- Enables or disables features as needed depending on hardware support, and known driver issues (I.e., mixed FBO color attachment formats on some known older drivers doesn't work, or uniform buffer objects being disabled on drivers that don't have complete support for them)
    • ---- Would be used as a fallback system of sorts in some cases where a particular piece of hardware doesn't support a particular OpenGL feature for a feature
    • ---- Could also possibly lower settings on some systems that just can't perform very well with some features

    This is just a really rough outline of my idea for a rendering system.

    The very beginnings of it will focus on getting a working deferred renderer going with OpenGL. The deferred renderer will be following a minimal geometry buffer design, opting for light-prepass instead of full blown deferred shading.

    The buffers for all of this will look like this:
    Code (Text):
    2. +------------------------------------------------------+
    3. |RED       | GREEN       | BLUE       | ALPHA          |
    4. |Normal X  | Normal Y    | Normal Z   | Spec. Exponent | Geometry Buffer - 32-bit render target
    5. |Red Light | Green Light | Blue Light | Specular       | Light Buffer - 32-bit render target on some hardware, 64-bit render target on capable hardware
    6. +------------------------------------------------------+
    The light buffer will either be compressed into a range of 0..1 likely using exp2/log10 compression on hardware that can't support mixed FBO formats, or be stored in a 64-bit floating point render target (16bpp). It will then be multiplied against an object's diffuse texture, producing the proper lighting across a surface without the need to use a larger G-Buffer to store geometry information. This approach will work a bit better for hardware where memory bandwidth is an issue.

    The specular technique used will likely be blinn-phong, possibly even energy conserving blinn-phong. Gamma correction will be taken into account from the very beginning for diffuse and specular textures.
    You can effectively consider me the Graphics Programming Lead at this point.
  16. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    So this is going to be a thing, for real now! Awesome!
  17. Gen


    This is halloween! This is halloween! Member
    The Mobius Engine
    I'll be proposing the following shading architecture:
    Instead of using the usual light shaders, that read in a diffuse texture, normal texture, specular texture, emissive texture, and so on (which tends to result in a lot of G-Buffer bloat), a surface shader approach would probably be more beneficial here.

    The biggest reason to do this, is the decrease lighting shader complexity for deferred rendering.

    In a surface shader, you will basically have a handful of surface outputs, such as a diffuse output, a specularity output, an emissive output, and so on.

    The shader will basically composite (or write to a buffer) these outputs later on in the rendering pipeline.

    After lighting is rendered, for example, you may want to add an emissive effect, or even a sort of edge glow effect.

    The kind of setup for this in a surface shader approach, combined with deferred shading, may look something like this:

    Code (Text):
    2. gl_FragColor = vec4(light.rgb * diffuse + light.a * spec.rgb + emissive.rgb, 0);
    Where emissive.rgb may effectively be
    Code (Text):
    1. emissive.rgb = (1 - dot(, * glowColor.rgb;
    earlier in the shader, and
    Code (Text):
    1. gl_FragColor = vec4(light.rgb * diffuse + light.a * spec.rgb + emissive.rgb, 0);
    may be in a final lighting function that combines all of the outputs in a single effect.

    All of this can be easily produced procedurally in a material editor as well.

    More complex effects can be added trivially on top of this as well, with virtually zero modification to any of the lighting shaders for deferred rendering. The most that may be needed, is if some kind of diffuse exponent may be needed, in which case it'd be more a matter of slimming the amount of space the normal buffer needs in the G-Buffer (which you can reduce to just the X and Y components, and reconstruct Z in the shaders, and assign the Z component to the diffuse exponent).

    EDIT: I can also confirm that energy conserving light reflectance will be implemented. I've already determined a highly optimized normalization function to facilitate it (that only takes a MUL instruction, and a MAD instruction).
  18. Candescence


    Sydney, Australia
    3D Indie Stuff
    Sounds good!

    And two things: 1) holy crap this is actually happening. 2) My name suggestion is WINNING?! WAT.
  19. Gen


    This is halloween! This is halloween! Member
    The Mobius Engine
    If at least one other ends up tieing with it once voting closes (I'll close the poll on Tuesday, since voting seems to be progressing along at a quick pace), we'll hold a second around of voting using the top three names. Though from the looks of it, Blast Pro will end up winning by then.
  20. Candescence


    Sydney, Australia
    3D Indie Stuff
    Maybe. Mobius Engine and Retro3D are pretty close behind, so it could go either way.