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Sonic Generations Megathread II

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Scarred Sun, Oct 28, 2011.

  1. Blivsey


    Charismatic Sonicaholic Member
    I'm gonna completely sadden all of you and hope for Marble Garden. Futile dreams, I know, because of all the other grassy levels, but still.
  2. I still think it's a shame Sonic 3 is never properly represented in the game, going from Chemical Plant to Sky Sanctuary seems such a huge jump in the classic era. I would like to see Launch Base Zone as DLC but also doubt it, but I'm very curious as to how the tracks would sound!
  3. Dehry


    Sonic 3's ROM has been re released, not a remake like the PC version. It's not going to be remade because of the same reason Sonic CD's remake will have the Japanese music. Old style game music contracts were wholesale buyouts for a particular game. Legally speaking the ROM is what the contract was written for. Any artist/author with any sense would make sure they still get royalties or partial ownership of the music. This video touches on the intricacies of music licensing. The portion to pay attention to is at 3:30 where he talks about work for hire and owning 50% of songs. I'm thinking I'm going to start a thread on game music royalties after some research. The US Stardust Speedway music we got in Generations has clued me in on the issues around the CD soundtrack. With the speed that the EU/JP soundtrack was replaced there may have been some contract slip ups with the vocalists. If you notice, the music is the same but without Pastiche singing in the background. The real fun part is that there are probably a bunch of NDAs preventing people from coming out and saying what the contract terms are. We may never have a real answer.

    TL/DR Emulated ROMs == Cartridge version =/= Remake
  4. Chimpo


    I Gotta Be Me Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    Don't Forget! Try Your Best!

    Please get an actual source to back up this bullshit. This is just stupid speculation.
  5. Finally got the game and cleared it in one sit. I have to say the game keeps getting better and better the more you replay it.

    BTW, I haven't checked these threads in 2 weeks, and I'm not willing to go through 400 pages, so I'll ask. Is there any complete music rip already? Thanks.
  6. Mastered Realm

    Mastered Realm

    Yes, both in MP3 and AAX formats! But I don't know where the links are :*( The MP3 one was made by Hinchy, the lossless one... is on the Resources topic, go there!
  7. Found it! (the FLAC one)... Thanks!
  8. Eric Wright

    Eric Wright

    Born into this. Oldbie
    holy SHIT they really phoned in the last ten or twelve challenges! Nothing but stupidly hard + unresponsive game engine = most rage I've had in a game in the last two years. Jesus fucking christ.

    also, Marble Garden > Ice Cap. Ice Cap is SO overhyped.
  9. SteelBrush


    603e Member
    the home of spotted dick, Devon
    Tramadol, Tamazepam and finding a reason to exist.
    I haven't played Generations but I've been watching play throughs and what strikes me as facile are the missions. They look fustrating and once you've completed a mission there is little reason to go back to it. I think it would have been better if Sonic Team spent their resources creating more acts for each level rather than missions.
  10. corneliab


    Mind elaborating? I finished the challenges a few days ago and can't think of anything that made me flip out. The Vector music note one took a little bit to get down, but that's pretty much it.

    Granted though, I didn't bother getting S rank on all of them. What with it being completely pointless and all.
  11. Eric Wright

    Eric Wright

    Born into this. Oldbie
    I'm doing s-ranks on them all... because I was unaware that it didn't serve any purpose.

    basically, some of them just slap you in the face with their dick for NO apparent reason. Im doing the last batch in planet wisp right now; the one where you have to use all three shields to get to the goal is a CLUSTERfuck because the shields respawn so quick that you accidentally pic the wrong shield at the last millisecond, or none of them guard against energy attacks from enemies (the wasps fire at you). The one with the Sprinkler dropping bombs as you have to break open the animal prisons is a pile of dicks because you can't go TOO fast or else it strategically tosses a bomb in your face at EVERY FUCKING TURN, or if you happen to miss a platform just ONCE, you get bombed twice (and for some reason they thought it was a grand idea to make sonic SIT ON HIS ASS for five seconds every time you get hurt) and then you're screwed... couple that with making half the platforms JUST BARELY out of reach from the apex of your jump is a polite fuck you from the programmers... god DAMNIT the jumping and collision detection sucks in this game, I constantly get dicked over because I either get bumped away from the edge of a platform for no reason, or sometimes my feet apparently haven't touched the ground yet when I go to jump again.

    and it's not like I'm trying to find things to complain about here, this is literally the most frustrating bullshit I've dealt with in a game in ages. Who the FUCK TESTS Sonic games and says "Yes, this game engine doesn't bite johnson"??! It's like the LITTLEST SHIT needs to be fine-tuned to make it perfect.
  12. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.
    Anybody got some good PC screenshots they want to share?
  13. I took these the other day to show another forum (beware 1920x1080 screenshots):
  14. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Unfortunately while I'd love for Marble Garden to be in the game, due to the fact that the spinning top is in Sky Sanctuary, I don't see it being likely.

    I do love me some Marble Garden though.

    And here's a reason I don't see Ice Cap being DLC either, a really bad reason but a possible reason. Classic Sonic has a skateboard, not a snowboard. That'd ruin lots of nostalgia if they got rid of the snow boarding at the beginning of the level for classic, but then again that didn't stop them from getting rid of the snowboard at the beginning of Crisis City or the Knuckles cutscene at the beginning of Sky Sanctuary, so perhaps this means absolutely nothing.

    Also would someone with the PC version mind taking a screenshot of the picture I have in my signature? I'd like to have a cleaner source picture then the early beta video.
  15. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    Yeah, I pretty much about these concerning the missions. Some of them just pissed me off.
  16. Falk


  17. Willie


    Each day the world turns Laugh 'til it all burns Member
    I cannot play the Modern Sonic Rouge the Bat mission without the game freezing. No other level or mission does this (but Seaside Hill has crashed on me a few times). The level doesn't even lag much for me at all which just makes the situation weirder. Is anyone having this problem because it drives me nuts. I'm a completest and I wanted to 100% this game, goddammit. FYI, I can't think of another level that has crashed on me.
  18. Felik


    I've heard that if you don't kill certain enemies game will not freeze. That mission doesn't crush for me at all though
  19. Ice Cap honestly seemed like one of the biggest shoe-ins for this game when it was first announced, considering they already have both a 2D (Sonic 3) and a 3D (Sonic Adventure) version to take inspiration from; they wouldn't even need to come up with a whole lot of new content for the 3D areas because they've already got those ideas sorted out some 13 years ago in Adventure.
  20. Skyler


    Neonネオン Cowgirlカウガール Site Staff
    The next audtion
    The biggest troll would be to use the SA1 Ice Cap and piss off everyone hoping for a remix of the S3 track.