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Boss Fight Concepts

Discussion in 'Project: Sonic Retro (Archive)' started by test-object, Jan 16, 2009.

  1. test-object


    By Torm, no! This is terrible! I... I had no idea Member
    Read Title and description. But before you start designing, read this:

    Boss fights are amazingly fun to design, but one must not get carried away with complexity.
    Easy routines to remember but hard to dodge is adviced. Not vice versa. :(

    Try to stick with a true Sonic spirit, and not the Sonic Advance 2-ones. Sure, they weren't bad, but they aren't Retro Sonic enough.
    (Yes, I am aware of Sonic and Knuckles' first boss)

    The List of bosses:

    1 -Tropical Zone

    2 -Circus Zone
    B: ROLLERCOASTER [needs cleaning up] (STHX)

    3 -Rainforest Ruins Zone
    MB: EGG SAW (test-object + Phoebius)
    B: BOLT MOBIL [idea to be worked out] (STHX)

    4a -Canadian Zone

    4b -Underground Zone

    5- City Zone

    6- Blue Mountain Zone (this ought to be a fun one to design :( )

    Technochemical Plant Zone (I just invented this name, you like it? :3)
    B: Egg Vortex (BlackHole)

    Death Egg Zone
    MB: Metal Sonic Fight (Amistat) [Tails' Final Boss]

    Please, we live in a democracy, give a yell what bosses you think should be accepted :)


    Information Chart that goes with each boss:
    -When this boss is hit 6 times, he will...
    Do an additional roll over the ground.

    -The Zone most fitting?
    The Ruined Rainforest Zone.

    PS: This topic is made for a clear overview. :)
  2. Retro_Stew


    French Twitch Gamer Member
    Twitch channel
  3. test-object


    By Torm, no! This is terrible! I... I had no idea Member
    Definitly fixed. This is one amazing starting post : D
  4. Afti


    Egg Mother

    Behavior: Spits out badniks to attack Sonic and flies around. Defenseless, but too high to reach. There is one automatic one that will shield the actual eggpod. Bounce off badniks to hit it.

    Graphics: [​IMG]

    Mockup: [​IMG]

    -When this boss is hit 6 times, he will...
    Start generating selfdestructing bomb badniks.

    -The Zone most fitting?
    City Zone.
  5. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Just throwing out badniks doesn't seem like a too elaborate plan for a boss.

    In all the previous games, they tried to showcase stuff that the player had never seen before, many of the times based on connected sprites and complicated algorithms... or just plain innovative ideas.
  6. Afti


    Here's an idea: what if it were to control the badniks remotely?

    You couldn't damage it in this scenario. It would be a war of attrition- RC badniks with ridiculous AI and two hits worth of health would come after you (and dodge blows!) until Robotnik's machine was drained of the resources to manufacture them, at which point he would flee.
  7. test-object


    By Torm, no! This is terrible! I... I had no idea Member
    I'm not really keen on this idea. You mean like an endurance round?
    That doesn't really sound Sonic material since if you press down and tap A repeatedly, you'd win in no time.
  8. Afti


    No, because they'd have good enough AI to jump over Sonic in this battle. Robotnik would be controlling them from the pod, and it'd be a fairly even match between Sonic and one of them. Utilizing their own friendly fire would be key to winning, because they wouldn't just walk towards a spindash to their doom like normal badniks- they'd be intelligent enough to avoid Sonic while he was rolling.
  9. Ridiculum


    If by that you mean sitting there spindashing, clearly they'd pop out badniks that could still hurt Sonic, even while he's spindashing. However, I'm still not too into the idea either.

    A better idea would be for him to basically suck in random parts off the city off screen, it goes into the machine, and it spits out a sort of weaponized version of it. Or a badnik, if it sucks in an animal. So sometimes you might get hit with a light post being dropped, and other times a badnik will drop. And, on occasion, a spring, which would allow you to jump up and hit him. So you'd basically need to keep an eye out as to what he drops. Perhaps make some "spiked springs" that could be confused for normal springs if you didn't look hard enough after a few hits, so you'd have to pay attention.
  10. muteKi


    Fuck it Member
    I wouldn't mind this, but it would have to appear in one of the last levels as it's a rather complicated battle. I kinda like it, and it reminds me a bit of the boss for Chaotix's Amazing Arena.
  11. PC2


    GenMobile > 3DS Member
    Various Artwork & Music, :smug:
    I think one problem I'm seeing with these ideas is that the bosses don't seem to interact with the environment enough - there's not enough "pizazz" to them. So far all I'm seeing is a bunch of bosses that consist of, primarily, Robotnik just hovering around the place. Remember that you can use the stage setting to your advantage. Be creative. I'll see if I can come up with something soon. Right now, no time. :x
  12. STHX


    SEGAAAAAAAAA?!? Member
    The world of Trophies
    Sonic In Mushroom Kingdom
    I have the impression I'll post a lot in this topic ;P
    My only question is if this topic applies also for mid/sub bosses as well.

    Oh well. I suppose it is to late to ask:
    Caterkiller Omega (pending name)

    0 - I guess it is obvious this mid-boss was based over the Caterkiller family. He has the general appearance of the classic Caterkiller (minus some added things here and there), but it has the tipical agility of the Crawlton and the Sandworm. He suddenly appear from the ground when Sonic reaches the end of the Act.
    1 - Most of its moves are based over the other members of the Caterkiller family, and similar to its cousins only the head is its weak point. Hitting any other part of its body will cause damage. Its most common attack is based on the Sandworm, and like it the boss will jump out of ground to bite Sonic.
    2 - Another attacks sees it to jump out of a wall at high speed, homing at Sonic. There are 2 versions of this attack:
    - a - The boss jump out of a wall and directs its attack at Sonic, it moves in a straigh line and enters the floor/roof/opposite wall, depending on the position of Sonic
    - b - Occasionally, instead of entering the opposite wall, the boss will suddenly stop and will reenter the same wall he originally came out, in the same way of the Crawler. In both versions of the attack, 2 fangs come out of the head, as an omage to the Crawler fangs.
    3 - An original attack. The boss jumps out of the ground like the first attack, but, instead of moving towards Sonic, he launch the last sphere of its body towards him. The sphere bounces of the boundaries and the ground, and after a while returns underground.In Sonic 1, if Sonic jumped on the wrong part of the original Caterkiller, all of its part would have detached from the body. This attack is an omage to this feature.
    4a - (What a horrible bg art) If the battlefield is in the Canadian/Autumn Zone, the boss will move inside one of 12 holes in the the giant tree, and then it will quickly come out of one of them to enter another hole. It keeps doing this for a while, then returns into the ground (to better understand this attack, imagine the first mid-boss of Ristar, just faster).
    4b - If the battlefield is in the Underground Zone, the boss will jump out of the ground and will stick to the roof. It will then start to shake the area, and spikes will fall down from the roof. What? This attack was used already 2 times in Sonic games. But this time the boss doesn't enter the roof, and the place where it comes out is random, so part of the battlefield will be temporary unaviable, since the boss blocks it with its body. You may be lucky, and it may appear near the opposite boundary, but it may also happen the opposite.

    -When this boss is hit 6 times, he will...
    Well, apparently nothing, but after being hit 3 times, occasionally during attack 1 and 2a the last sphere will detach and it will bounce around for some seconds. After 6 hits 2 spheres will detach instead of 1.

    -The Zone most fitting?
    This is the wierd part. As you can see, the 4th attack is different depending on the battlefield. Why? Take a look at the zones in the fourth attack. Canadian and Underground. Yeah, the splith paths zone! So basically this boss may appear on both routes, with the only difference of one attack based on the enviroment.
  13. Ice Sonic

    Ice Sonic

    Ice Cap
    No, I am not working on any hack, fanart, or website.
    I think 3 is the best and 4a is good too. The boss fits Underground Zone more though.
  14. Amistat


    Here's a quick idea for the Metal Sonic fight, something a little retro...

    Sonic enters the area, laser fences turn on. He is faced by a freaky looking double of himself.


    A battle occours not too dissimilar to the Silver sonic fight in Sonic 2, however your opponent is not twice your size and is as fast as you making it a tad more interesting this time around.


    After a few hits (6 is good) the mysterious foes skin shatters revealing...


    The battle continues, you are evenly matched!


    With his cover blown however, he resorts to a few old dirty tricks; hovering out of reach and summoning the crushers!


    Naturally your robotic nemesis has a few nasty surprises up his sleeves...if he...had...sleeves...<.< >.> ahem.


    Added to this is a dive bomb after his crusher attacks and occasionally launching two rapidly successive crusher strikes in a row (sometimes changing which crushers he uses and sometimes not to keep the player on their toes).

    12 hits in total (6 before and 6 after revealing himself) should see the metal moron explode/fly off/dance the timewarp, whatever is convenient to the plot.

    I personally would love to play that fight, how about you guys? :specialed:
  15. Jof


    Sonic Fantasy
    I still think the final Metal Sonic boss should be kept to Tails. I agree with Chimpo that it would be the most climatic ending for Tails, facing off against the one person he looks up to kinda thing.
    However, I also thought about something else. If we include Metal, we have 3 main villains right ? Eggman, Nack and Metal.

    What about, depending on your character, each zone has a different end boss, and they alternate ?



    Stage 1 >>> Eggman >>> Stage 2 >>> Nack >>> Stage 3 >>> Metal Sonic >>>etc. Final Boss : Eggman

    Stage 1 >>> Metal Sonic >>> Stage 2 >>> Eggman >>> Stage 3 >>> Nack >>> etc. Final Boss : Metal Sonic

    Stage 1 >>> Nack >>> Stage 2 >>> Metal Sonic >>> Stage 3 >>> Eggman >>> etc. Final Boss : Nack

    This way, we have to design 3 unique bosses per zone, which might take a while, but ultimately offers more replayability ?
  16. Phoenix


    Has really been far even as decided to use even go Member
    Sorry, but no. If they're going through the levels at relatively the same time, it would mean that they would most likely fight the same bosses.
  17. Jof


    Sonic Fantasy
    So instead of 3 different intersecting stories playing at the same time, you'd rather it was some sort of "parallel" timeline, where each of the cast defeat the same boss 3 times ?
  18. test-object


    By Torm, no! This is terrible! I... I had no idea Member
    STHX, that Catterkiller is rather big to be a mid-boss. However, he kinda makes me think of the boss in Monster Lair, which is quite an epic fight:

    Attack number 3 is the best so far, but perhaps you should now find ways WHEN you can hurt him. :specialed:

    Amistat, I would enjoy to fight this boss, but I think you recyled too much. More innovation, because anyone who played Sonic 1 and 2 would immiedietly know what to do, which beats the point of a boss.

    I love the Tails vs. Metal Sonic idea, but if we do that, the boss should have to be more applied to Tails' flying ability.
    Not very fond of Nack being a boss, stand aside a final boss. Is Robotnik not worthy enough? :/
  19. Jof


    Sonic Fantasy
    That's a fair point, however, did anyone mind when they fought Eggrobo in S&K as Knuckles ? Oh sure, he was just like Eggman, but then so would Nack be. He's got his own awesome machines (like in Triple Trouble), and his personality would mix things up a little.
  20. Polygon Jim

    Polygon Jim

    Eternal Tech Member
    across town from Hinchy
    All the bitches.

    SA1 did it, and so did Sonic 2 and Sonic 3.