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Tails Tube

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Blue Blood, Mar 24, 2022.

  1. I prefer much more Amy nowdays. At least in Boom, IDW and Prime. For games, I admit Adventure still got the best Amy, but wasn't a fan of her in Heroes for example. She was fine in Unleashed, tho'.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2023
  2. jubbalub


    #1 Sonic Superstars defender Member
    There's a new Tails Tube, and it's a stroll down nostalgia lane. It also makes a cheeky reference to Superstars at the end, and trails off with "I wonder if we can invite...". This probably means Trip.

  3. Shaddy the guy

    Shaddy the guy

    Professional Internet asshole Member
    Oh, I'm so dumb. I kept searching the forum for "tailstube" and not "tails tube".
  4. Only for viewing

    Only for viewing

    aka Superstarxalien Member
    this episode is a royally terrible idea on several fronts
  5. Londinium


    People actually read these? Member
    Tails Tube is already relying on nostalgia :flunked:
  6. So Classic is officially Modern's past with no ambiguity.
  7. MastaSys


    I appreciate the Knuckles' Chaotix acknowledgement
  8. Snub-n0zeMunkey


    yo what up Member
    kind of unrelated but I like how Tails' bangs actually part to the side in his Tails Tube character model instead of being in the middle. Seeing how natural the characters look in this style makes me hope they do a game with a cel-shaded artstyle soon.
  9. Londinium


    People actually read these? Member
    Wait, so Modern and Classic are on the same timeline again? I thought that after Generations, Classic and Modern Sonic's timelines split. Good to see even today the Time Eater is alive and well messing up timelines.
  10. nineko


    I am the Holy Cat Tech Member
    They keep on insisting on Nack's worse name :(

    Nice nod to the Segasonic arcade, though.
  11. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    I will eat your kneecaps. He's got a big toothy fang! What the hell even *is* a nack?
  12. Linkabel


    I feel the same way but with them not using the cooler Tails' Mystic Ruins workshop.

    I do like these a lot though. And I'm glad that as time goes they are being more clear that it's all one thing.

    I'm not sure if I'm imagining the "hint, hint" in this, but either way I do hope we eventually see some of the only classic characters in the modern era.

    For the Sega people that might roll their eyes on this, I totally understand the decision behind the classic and modern branding.

    But I can't help but feel that some business decisions sometimes hurt the storytelling aspect of a series (whether is a book, comic, show, movie, game etc etc)

    For example, I'm not a big fan of this push in the community of getting rid of the Master Emerald and Angel Island so Knuckles can hang around more with Sonic and his friends.

    Not only is there still a lot of story potential in exploring that aspect of Knuckles legacy (I always envisioned an ancient enemy tribe of the Knuckles clan still being around and going after Knuckles. Or an arc where Sonic has to switch roles with Knuckles because he has to do something in the surface, how would both react to experiencing each other's lives?)

    But limiting his appearance makes him more unique and add weight to his appearance. Because if Knuckles is here it means something big is going down. I do feel the IDW comics are doing a good job on this.

    The same thing can be applied to characters like Mighty, Ray and Fang. They don't have to jump to the modern side of things and hang around all the time. Their appearances can be limited as well to make it a big deal.

    If for whatever reason they don't want them in the modern games then why not use them in the comics or shows. There's a lot of story potential there too. Maybe in their travels Mighty and Ray might have their own rogue gallery/threats that are now running into Sonic.

    Also really quick, I do like the character models. Would be cool if the game models took a cue from these. I know it's not just taking these and plugging into the games, but I do think something similar could work.
  13. Knuckles is a popular character and people wanna see more of him, so it's kind of annoying to be told that he's not allowed to show up because he has to look at a rock that hasn't had plot relevance in ages.

    I understand the reasoning that it stays true to his character, but it severely limits what can actually be done with him and makes him a very passive and reactionary character.

    I think you can find a balance between staying true to his duties while still allowing him to show up every now and then
  14. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    @Linkabel thats basically how Archie post reboot handled mighty and Ray. They weren’t always around, they just happened to cross paths with Sonic every now and then.
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  15. RikohZX


    That assumption only happened because of Forces trying to phrase Classic/Mania Sonic as being from a different dimension, which is a whole can of worms. Generations' own ending implied Classic was starting to learn the Boost or Air Dash because he saw Modern do it, basically stable time looping his own growth into his future of sorts like he was from in-between 3&K and Adventure. Classic Sonic was always just a younger Sonic.

    Of course none of this is helped by Sega both throwing around canon everywhere and yet prancing about on it without any single idea for consistency until more recently.
  16. KaiGCS


    I liked it being different dimensions. Feels like they both have their own unique value that way, yeah? Plus as someone who doesn't really care for the direction Modern seems to be heading in, I'm very glad that Classic is still around to hold at least some of my interest. Canonizing them both together might not mean anything, but it feels like it makes it more likely that Classic might just stop being an ongoing thing, and I'd be very sad if that happened.

    Or it would feel that way if not for Superstars. But I don't think anyone else wants them to be separate canons, so I guess they're probably making the right call. As long as they both still get to exist and get their own games, I can live with it.
  17. big smile

    big smile

    Sonic says Knuckles was tricked 3 times and they show pics of S&K, SA1 and S&T2. But they missed Sonic Advance 2. Whoops!

    I think the Sonic series has suffered from too much over-explaining lately. But I think this Tails Tube got the balance right. I appreciated the references to where Mighty and Ray are now, as well as the nods to Chaotix.

    I thought having yet another Fang/Nack explanation was heavy handed. But other than, this was good.
  18. I think this episode is fine because it doesn't feel like it's trying to handwave a plot hole, but just adding some connective tissue to these events.

    The whole thing is literally framed as the gang just reminiscing about the past.
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  19. OrionNavattan


    Tech Member
    This episode is pretty much a love letter to those who are deeply invested in the series' lore and storytelling. That SegaSonic and Knuckles' Chaotix (and for that matter, Tails' Adventure and other GG games) happened in the game/IDW universe in some form is broadly accepted in the Tumblr fandom and fanfics I dabble in, so it's quite nice to hear this notion officially acknowledged. (That some long-time fans are now involved in the lore development definitely helps.)

    The separate universes things with Classic and Modern is such a mess, though I seem to recall a member of Sonic Team saying on Twitter that the offending line in Forces had been troublesome to translate. (My personal headcanon is that Classic and Modern are indeed separate universes, but that ALL of the classic games and classic IDW comics happened in both.)

    This would be the perfect way to introduce those two (and Sticks for that matter) into the current IDW comics: old friends that mostly do their own thing, but who occasionally lend a hand.
  20. shilz


    getting my daily allowance of vitamin kk
    Something to note: the background is heavily based on Tails' Lab from Sonic Lost World 3ds.