Sonic Prime (Netflix Animated Series)

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by The Joebro64, Dec 10, 2020.

  1. Adamis


    Gimme waffles! Oldbie
    Lammy and "Fafnir"
    Sonic X also showed Tails getting bullied before he met Sonic.

  2. RDNexus


    Indeed, if anything Sonic X at least did that one right ^^"
  3. Zephyr


    While these both may be the result of them not doing all of their homework, this one isn't a case of "how is this even possible?". Sonic's not giving Tails every painstaking technical detail of who owns what, he's quickly trying to cheer the guy up and motivate him. Besides, based on who is usually seen using the thing, at this point it might as well be Tails' plane.

    Hence me asking, "why wouldn't they?"
  4. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    Indeed, but that was an adaptation. I don't recall Tails painting the Tornado blue during Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Mega Drive), so I don't think it's following the game lore (of the time). But let's leave that discussion be.

    One could also pretend he was referring to the Tornado II (and Tornado III), if we want to save time on continuity issues.

    It was me lamenting they are, that's all.

    Also, it occurs to me, they gave Tails seven mechanical tails. So he's got nine tails in that universe, like a kitsune.
  5. Laura


    Brightened Eyes Member
    I'm not sure if anyone else feels this way, but I have absolutely no interest in the show because it is set in an alternate universe.
  6. Mookey


    That's practically every Sonic show/movie though lol. Even the shows that didn't bill themselves as alternate universes clearly didn't take place in the same universe as the games.
  7. David The Lurker

    David The Lurker

    For some mysterious reason... Administrator
    The continuity thread should not be a nightmare. By acknowledging there is a nightmare, step back and ask "why." The simple fact you brought up Origins in here makes me think you want to be antagonistic, that you want people to engage in discourse that you have been discouraged/told not to participate it now multiple times. You were warned again in the continuity thread, which I saw before I realized the last handful of pages in that thread came up because of the Sonic Prime thread.

    Please stop, or you will be forced to stop. Consider this an extension of the final warning from the continuity thread.

    Apologies to everyone else, please continue talking about Sonic Prime.

    Unless she means "oh it's Sonic not in his own universe but running around in alternate universes." Which I can see someone being annoyed by, if they just want a show focused on Sonic v Eggman and the relationships between Sonic and his core friends. Me? I'm interested because I've always enjoyed stories involving the multiverse, but I do kinda wish there were versions of the characters from older, established offshoots. An episode with the Sonic Underground cast would be wild. But that doesn't look to be what they're doing, which is fine. I'll still watch it.

    o god should i download roblox
  8. shilz


    getting my daily allowance of vitamin kk
    I think the core of the show is trying to use multiverse as an excuse to explore Sonic's relationships and what makes them what they are, so I think maybe people are jumping the gun on saying there's no connection to the "real" universe.
  9. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    Furthermore, Prime has been explicitly confirmed to take place in the mainline universe, insofar as they don't seem to be establishing an entirely new idiosyncratic continuity for the sake of this show, which I appreciate.
  10. Shaddy the guy

    Shaddy the guy

    Professional Internet asshole Member
    Caught a stolen upload of the Roblox premiere. And uh...

    ...I think this might be the best Sonic show. Ever. Obviously it has 23 more episodes to potentially screw things up, but this is the strongest start any of them have gotten off to, with probably Boom and SatAM as the runners-up. There was great action, character-building, good pacing and even the slightest hint of implications for Sonic's world as a setting. Sonic is presented as flawed, but the thing people were worried about of him "taking his friends for granted" is absolutely not an issue at all. And hey, Flynn got a story advisor credit!

    The VAs are all great. I instantly bought Deven Mack, Shannon Chan-Kent (pity she's stuck doing a monotone robot voice for so much of it, though), Ashleigh Ball and Kazumi Evans. I'll probably get used to Brian Drummond as Eggman, since he's got a good range and I like him anyway. I was only unsure about Adam Nurada as Knuckles. He was stuck between sounding too doofy (think Dave Mitchell in Team Sonic Racing) and so deep that it was genuinely distracting.

    The action and animation are incredible, at least from what I could see in the grainy youtube stream quality. Movement is snappy and makes good use of squash-and-stretch, the camera does these really rad movements or focal changes or fisheyes to emphasize certain moments, and everyone is utterly expressive. Due to who usually gets CG precedent in the games and who gets to be in other shows, I think this is the best Rouge has ever been animated, she has this smugness with a hint of cynicism in her expressions and reactions to things that...makes me feel something I haven't felt about her since I was thirteen. The action setpieces are also really varied, nothing like the blandness of Sonic Boom. This is second only to Marza, genuinely. I could watch a full movie by this team.
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  11. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Glad to hear the animation is more expressive. I actually decided to rewatch Sonic Boom prior to this (that and idk what to watch at the moment, too soon to repeat American Dad or Always Sunny for the 100th time) and my god are the animations stifffff. Emotions and intent get lost when most of the characters are one step above T-posing
  12. Jucei


    I missed the premiere because I woke up too late, so I was wondering where (if possible) I could still see it, because I've only heard good things so far. Or am I out of luck and have to wait until the 15th like everyone else?
  13. RDNexus


    If you got Roblox, it seems as long as you clear a mission exclusive to the premiere you may get to watch it until the special campaign ends.
    But this is what I surmised from a YouTube vid I checked. I don't play the game and can wait for the full release on Netflix.
    What I hate is those batches of theirs of a few episodes of the full series. I read only 8 episodes may come out this 15th...
  14. shilz


    getting my daily allowance of vitamin kk
    Premier is running all day in SSS. They just have it on a loop and it'll tell you how many minutes until it restarts outside the theater, but that seems to depend on how long the server you join has been running. I got lucky the first time and joined with seconds to the start.

    Speaking of minutes, I was doing exactly what you're supposed to do, standing in front of the screen, and got kicked for idling for 20 minutes somewhat near the end. so you have to move around a little or else Roblox will kick you. I don't think they can control it, but it sucks, and I don't know exactly how long I have left.

    I'll just say this though, if you don't play Sonic Speed Simulator, I don't think this premier is worth it over waiting a few days for it to be on Netlfix. Video quality is predictably really crusty (and not even "with 50 people on a server", with 16 or less.) and they don't even let you fullscreen it, so you have to zoom out, and if you're on mobile, the camera will move from whatever optimal place you put it before. It's a sub-optimal way to experience the hard work of so many talented people.

    I'll have final thoughts on the episode once I actually stop thinking about the roblox/speed simulator end of things and finish it.
  15. Levi Church

    Levi Church

    Icon art is made by FullmetalDubs Member
    I watched it in Roblox too. It was a good first episode and I liked some of the things they did with it like have rings drop when Sonic gets hit in the show. But I do think watching it on Netflix will be the better way to experience the show.
    I personally think Sonic X might have the best first episode out of the Sonic TV Shows.


    So is Netflix dropping all 24 episodes at once next week?
  17. shilz


    getting my daily allowance of vitamin kk
    A Sonic the Hedgehog TV show? With a budget?! What is this madness?!!!

    I see what Wildbrain meant when they said they were pushing for something cinematic (something along those lines). There's stuff they do here that you absolutely do not do in a CG show when you're on a budget. Really dumb of me to even try to measure it by Mega Man's standards, looking back.

    Characters feel off from what I would normally prefer in a Sonic, but I don't really care because it benefits the sense of humor, the action is really good and has a lot of moving parts, the music is fantastic as expected, overall I'm just really excited for what else is in store.

    I rate it 5/5 Mega Mans
  18. MH MD

    MH MD

  19. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    So I've seen the episode on Roblox. Not a fan of the humour, personally, but I'll keep watching since the actual premise is still interesting. I won't go further since I'm not sure if a Spoiler Thread will be made at the actual premier on the 15th for the show.
  20. Sneekie


    Sneasy Member
    They do this for Sonic but not JoJo. Not that I'm mad about Sonic, but I'm REALLY mad about JoJo.